Monday 27 February 2012


           Man has been a huge factor in the changes in our world. If fact, the start of Industrial Revolution became the spark of environmental destruction, creating carbon-polluted air, garbage-polluted seas and worse, global warming. These changes in the world have affected not only the environment but also all those living in it, including the marine turtles.

Each second that passes by demeans the Marine Turtle population; as man hunts them for their meat and their precious shell. Man has regarded them as food and ornaments, forgetting that Marine Turtles protect us out in the sea. How so? Well you see Marine Turtles’ shells are sting-proof. Their sting-proof shells help them evade deadly box jellyfish and enable them to eat the jellyfishes. The sting of a box jellyfish can kill a man and Marine Sea Turtles are able to keep the shores of tropical beaches safe for humans. These Sea turtles are responsible for eating the sea grasses, making the sea grass beds healthy. This allows the sea grass beds to provide breeding and developmental grounds for several species of fish, shellfish and crustaceans.

But the raising of the global temperature or Global warming makes it more difficult for Marine Sea Turtles to survive. Global warming is caused by the phenomenon called Greenhouse effect. This is described as the trapping of heat due to large amounts of greenhouse gases ( cabonmonoxide, carbondioxide, etc) in the air and the unable resistance of the atmosphere from heat and radiation penetration because of the thinning of the ozone layer. Now this Global Warming raises the global temperature by a notch or two, making the ice caps in the North and South Pole melt, raising the sea level and covering the beach shores which are the breeding grounds of baby marine turtles. Not only that, since the ozone layer is thinning, the surface of the water is directly heated by the sun, causing changes in water temperature and movement. Immediate changes in the Marine Sea Turtles’ environment make it difficult for them to adapt, making a large population die.
                We all say that we can do nothing about it because we are all just students but that’s not true. In fact, here are 3 simple ways on how to save the Marine Turtles:

   1.    Be a spark of change. One of the two main causes of Marine Turtle’s verging extinction is Global Warming. As a student, we can throw trash properly, reuse things and recycle trash. The simple ‘not throwing your candy wrapper’ on the streets may start you ecologically friendly existence. And also, influence your friends in doing the same thing. Collective action against global warming is the ultimate solution.

   2.    Be an Advocate. Joining groups that advocate the protection of wildlife is one great way in contributing to the fight against the second main cause of Marine Turtle’s verging extinction: Hunting. In advocacy groups, people advertise the importance of the protection of wildlife. In this way, you can influence other people to be vigilant in protecting the Pawikans.

   3.    Educate.When minds are enlightened, rational actions are made. Share your knowledge about the importance of Marine Sea Turtles and how we could protect them. The simple knowledge sharing is a good method of encouraging people to your advocacy. Let’s not forget that knowledge is power and we can use this power to conserve the Marine Turtles.

If we follow these three simple tips, we can go a long way in protecting our cute little buddies, the Pawikans!!! :D


  1. YO, Stroga Nona, FreeSpirit, CrazyLoop, Bob, and Hafaw! Your post had lots of cool information about global warming and marine life; for that, here are your scores:
    Content: 10/10
    Coherence: 5/5
    Creativity: 3/5
    Voice 4/5
    Mechanics: 4/5
    Text Layout: 5/5
    Graphics and Multimedia: 3/5
    Intellectual Honesty: 3/5
    TOTAL SCORE: 37/45

    Although, you had lots of information, there were no references in where you got all those facts. And we also liked your examples on how we, students, can make a change in the world; however, posting pictures can help in picturing what you’re trying to tell us. Over-all, this post was a SMASHING success! You’re open-mindedness and curiosity led to all the GREAT things you could think of (Especially on the examples on how we, students, can help). We hope that you’ll have more things to tell our readers because you truly are great examples for students like us, ‘till next time!

    -The members of “A Trip to Nature”

    1. Thanks for the tip. We'll keep it in mind.

      -KEGGLE XD

  2. The word "pawikans" is here again. This is very disappointing.
    Here are your scores:

    Content - 10/10
    Coherence - 5/5
    Creativity - 4/5
    Voice - 5/5
    Mechanics - 3/5
    Text Layout - 5/5
    Graphics & Multimedia - 3/5
    Intellectual Honesty - 2/5
    Comments - 8/10
    Peer - 37/45
    Deductions - 8 points (for late peer evaluation)

    TOTAL: 74/100

    Carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide are both two separate words. Hence, I agree with TheLastOne's comment that you did not acknowledge any of your references. Nevertheless, you gave very good insights in how you, as students, can help in the conservation of marine turtles.
